Monday, December 27, 2010

Grisbi Choco wafer here in Philippines

One night, when my aunt came from her office, she gave me a 2 piece wrap of chocolate wafer.Since Christmas is fast approaching, I decided to take it.Next day, I decided to take a picture of this wafer and I ate it.When I consume it, I kept the wrap so so that whenever I go to supermarket, I have the sample wrap.One of the product that I've taste in my whole life was when i able to try to ate a single piece of choco-wafer named "Grisbi", an imported chocolate-wafer.Grisbi For me, its the first time  to see that kind of product here in the Philippines,but unfortunately, when Im already looking that product  at supermarket stores, they have no product like that in other words, it is not available here in philippines. My aunt was the one who gave it to me. As far as i know, the goya company here is the is the distributor of that product.According from the information or details about the company, it is originated from Italy under the license group of Vicenzi.From what she told to me, they are the distributor when the month of January 2011 comes, it will be available here in the philippines. From what can I can say, it is the most delicious wafer that I've been taste in my entire life. Im happy that once in my life,I was able to taste it. But even if it has a good quality of taste, I don't mind the price(how much is it? is it too expensive or not?).Personally,  I'm more on the content,what ever the price will be, I'm still going to buy it.

You can see some shots of grisbi choco-wafer that i've taken :)

A close up of Grisbi wafer. If you are going to take a look at its fillings, its really delicious and it has a crunchy wafer. :)


An aerial view Grisbi wafer

A close up view of Grisbi wafer.You can observe that it is rich in chocolate fillings.

  If  you are going to buy at your first,be sure that you make some free taste(if there is) and if you'd like it, the that's the time that you can buy it. But it's still  depends on you. From what I've tasted, the moment you taste it,you cannot stop yourself  to eat and even before I sleep, I'm still looking the taste that I've been started. Delicioso :)

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